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PitPat Friendly™ Practices

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Weight, exercise and feeding



Set ideal weights for your clients, and track their progress over time for FREE in the PitPat app.



Clients get personalised exercise goals, and can track the duration, type and intensity of activity and rest.



Clients get personalised feeding recommendations based on their dog’s age, weight, breed, sex, whether they’re neutered and measured activity levels.



Clients can earn badges for hitting activity goals, improving motivation and compliance with weight loss programs.

Weight, exercise and feeding

weight tab app screenshot

Set ideal weights for your clients, and track their progress over time for FREE in the PitPat app.

Clients get personalised exercise goals, and can track the duration, type and intensity of activity and rest.

Clients get personalised feeding recommendations based on their dog’s age, weight, breed, sex, whether they’re neutered and measured activity levels.

Clients can earn badges for hitting activity goals, improving motivation and compliance with weight loss programs.

Border Collie standing

Recommending PitPat

Recommending PitPat to your clients is an easy, no-cost way to get started. You don’t need to buy or hold stock, and there’s no complicated processes.

Join our PitPat Friendly™ Practice Scheme and we’ll provide you with free support materials, fantastic rewards for your team and practice for each recommendation and much more.

Stocking PitPat

If you prefer, you can stock and sell PitPat products direct from your practice.

Benefit from attractive wholesale discounts available from as few as five units.

Get in touch with our Veterinary Business Dev Manager to access our trade-only ordering page, or purchase at wholesale from NVS.

PitPat Starter Pack

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PitPat Friendly image with veterinarian and dog

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