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Dry dog food vs wet dog food

Choosing dog food sounds simple, right? The truth is there are so many options available for your pup, all trying to be the one you pick, so how do you know which is the best one for you? An excellent place to start is deciding between wet or dry dog food, and luckily for you, we’ve put together everything you need to help you make that decision.

What is dry dog food?

Dry dog food is sold in larger quantities than wet dog food and is made up of small brown biscuits that are crunchy in texture and have a moisture content of between 3-12%.

What are the benefits of dry dog food?

It’s good for your dog’s teeth. Dry dog food’s crunchy texture and the fact it doesn’t stick on doggy teeth like wet food helps to prevent plaque buildup and gingivitis.

It lasts longer. Dry dog food has a longer shelf life than wet dog food, so if you keep it in a sealed packet, it will be ready to be munched on for weeks rather than days.

It’s more economical. Dry dog food lasts longer which means there’ll be less waste than with wet food, and you can buy it in bulk, which will cost you less over time.

It’s easy to portion out. This can be helpful if you watch your dog’s weight and monitor their calories. Whether you choose to use a scoop or a weighing bowl, you’re much more in control of how much your dog is eating every day.

It is easier to use for enrichment and training. Have you ever tried putting wet dog food in a Kong or puzzle toy? It’s messy, and you can guarantee you’ll miss a bit when cleaning it. That’s why dry dog food is excellent for enriching your dog’s day. It can be easily added to whatever toy you have to hand or even hidden about the room to help get their brains working.

What are the disadvantages of dry dog food?

It doesn’t provide extra hydration. It may not have the moisture content of wet food but this can be easily remedied by providing extra water and keeping an eye on your dog’s intake. 

It can be harder to chew. Older dogs or dogs with sensitive teeth may find the dryer biscuits hard to eat, but you can always add a splash of water to dry food so it becomes moist.

It can contain more preservatives. Some low-quality dog foods can contain more artificial flavours and preservatives. But the important word here is ‘can’, if you pick the right food this doesn’t have to be the case. At PitPat, we’re proud to say that PitPat Food is only made from high-quality natural ingredients with no nasties.

PitPat Food bags

What is wet dog food?

Wet dog food often comes in pouches and cans and is either a pate or made up of chunks of meat in jelly or gravy. As you might expect, this type of dog food is wetter than dry dog food, with a moisture content of up to 84%.

What are the benefits of wet dog food?

It can taste better to dogs. It’s often more aromatic and flavourful to a doggy palate than dry kibble, which could mean your pup is more likely to clear their bowl.

It’s easier to chew. Wet food has soft meaty chunks making it the perfect choice if your dog has small or sensitive teeth or is struggling with a dental issue. 

It keeps your dog hydrated. A wetter food means extra hydration, which can be great for older dogs or dogs who don’t drink enough water. Just remember wet food will not give your dog all the water they need in a day, so make sure there’s a bowl of water available for them too.

What are the disadvantages of wet dog food?

It has a shorter shelf life. Once you crack into that tin or pouch, the food will need to be stored in the fridge and gobbled up over the next few days, so it’s still okay for your pup to eat. 

It makes more mess (for the humans). When your dog eats wet food, you’ll probably find that it sticks to their fur, is more likely to harden and stick to their food bowl, and generally create more mess for you to clean up – especially if you have a dog with long ears! 

It can stick to your dog’s teeth. This means that over time you may see an increase in plaque buildup which can lead to gingivitis.

It’s harder to portion. As wet dog food comes in a pouch or can, it’s up to the owner to work out how much their dog needs which can be tricky. After all, every dog is different, and what they need each day can vary. 

It’s more expensive. Wet dog food can be up to five times more expensive than dry dog food, and you will need a larger quantity to ensure your dog is getting their daily allowance.

White West Highland Terrier on a lead in a field wearing a blue PitPat GPS Tracker

Can I feed my dog both wet and dry dog food?

Technically, you can, but getting the balance right can be tricky for many reasons. Firstly when swapping between the two types, it can be hard to get the calorie intake right, and there is a chance you’ll end up overfeeding your dog. When making changes to your dog’s food, it’s also important to do so gradually to prevent stomach upsets.

Ultimately it doesn’t matter if you choose wet or dry dog food. What matters is that it’s high-quality, with all the elements your dog needs based on their requirements and preferences. If you’re still feeling unsure, PitPat is here to help. 

Our PitPat Food is formulated by top nutritionists with natural ingredients and no nasties, but it doesn’t stop there. Add in our PitPat Dog GPS Tracker or our PitPat Dog Activity Monitor, and we can tell you exactly how much PitPat Food your dog needs every day based on their age, breed and activity level. No more guesswork. Just perfectly portioned food. Simple.

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