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What should my dog’s poo look like?

You’d be amazed what your dog’s poop can tell you about their health. When was the last time you squeezed, sniffed and inspected your dog’s poo? Time to get up close and personal with poo.

The perfect dog poo

You might be thinking “As long as it’s brown and couldn’t be mistaken for a muddy puddle, it’s ok right?” And you’re not wrong, but to know your dog is in tip-top condition their poop should be a chocolate brown, have a playdoh like consistency, and be log-shaped in appearance.

Patch poo infographic


If your dog’s poop is any of these colours it’s best to call your veterinarian as they’ll give you better insights into what to do next. 

  • Red – This could mean that there is blood present or they have a colon inflammation.
  • Black – This could mean that blood has entered the stomach and passed into the digestive tract which could result in your pup getting an ulcer in their stomach or intestines.
  • Yellow/ Orange – This could mean your pooch is having problems with their liver, gallbladder or bile ducts. It turns this colour because food is passing through their digestive system too quickly.
  • Green – This could be a sign that your dog is an adamant grass nibbler. But it could also be a sign of parasites.
  • Grey – This could be because of a EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency) but luckily it can be easily treated by your vet.
Patch poo infographic


  • Hard/Firm – This type of poo tells you that your dog may be dehydrated or that their intestinal movement is slow. You might find that your dog needs a change in diet, but it’s best to ask your vet before doing so.
  • Playdoh – As long as the colour is right, a playdoh like feel to your dog’s poo tells you that their body system is in good shape.
  • Sloppy – This could mean that your pooch’s body is struggling to absorb food through their GI tract, meaning they may have a food allergy or intolerance. There’s also the possibility that it’s something a bit more severe, such as an infection, so keep an eye on their leavings and if it doesn’t clear up, get in touch with your vet.
  • Liquid – Dogs can get diarrhea by eating something that doesn’t agree with them. It may be that they spot something on their walk and you just can’t get to them in time before they chomp it down. If their liquid poos persist, you should call the vet.


  • White rice like structures –  If you see something that resembles grains of rice in your dog’s poo, it’s likely that these are worms. This can be treated by seeing your vet and getting a deworming treatment.
  • Fur – If you’re often finding fur in your pups poops, it could be because of either anxiety, allergies or skin disease. This happens due to them overgrooming themselves.
  • Socks –You finally found that sock you’d been looking for, but you definitely won’t be using it again! If your dog does eat a sock, it can be very hard and painful for them to pass for obvious reasons. You may even need to give them a helping hand. 

Do you want to be dealing with smaller, firmer, and less smelly poos? Well, look no further! PitPat Food is highly digestible, which means your dog will have a happier tummy, and get everything they need for a day of chasing squirrels. 

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